• Napa Valley Spa

    Had a heavenly spa day for a friend’s engagement party. It was foggy in SF but beautiful and warm in Napa. It feels like summer is not quite over, yet.

  • Theo at work

    The likeness is terrible, but I am glad I got over my fear and just attempted to capture something of his intensity with playdoh. This seems like a fitting tribute to our first week alone together while his sister is at preschool.

  • Refrigerator door

    Collapsed in a chair after a long day and drew what I saw in front of me.

  • Alcatraz

    View from crissy field parking lot. I intended to add color at home, but have just wanted to leave it be.

  • Reaction

    This was a drawing done immediately after trying to draw the animals. My frustration was getting the best of me and I needed to stop worrying about how things looked. Constant interruption forced me into the adjacent room, standing up as I tried to build an image.

  • Drawing with children

    At safeway, I bought large, hideous-looking plastic animals for my 20 month old son, much to his delight. He kept moving them around the table as I tried to draw them….

  • First Post

    This is a drawing of a tree at Crissy Field (notice I misspelled it in my book.)

    This is also my first attempt at blogging!
