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  • Fish Boat

    Feeling stuck, I decided to change my process this morning. While my son ate his snack, I glued a few pieces of torn painting into the sketchbook. We returned from the morning outing and while he “rested” I returned to the page. It helped to have a few clunky pieces in place –and I found that as the drawing began to evolve, I felt I was responding to what was on the page –rather than trying to control what I was trying to “make”. I love it when the painting/drawing begins to take over and becomes the agent of creativity. I just do as I am told!

  • A day….

    where I had an extremely fretful toddler and little time to draw….sometimes it feels like finding this time to make something is so difficult, but I decided to work through my own frustration and draw while he banged around the house. Unsatisfying. But in a few months, life will change and I will have larger chunks of time.

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  • Saturday May 13

    Poolside at Indian Springs

  • Pulling down the night

    A blind contour of my hand that evolved into landscape.

  • Self

    The end of a long week of being the solo parent. Tired, tired, tired!

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  • Corona Heights

    Looking up from below at the Randall Museum. A beautiful day today!

  • A child’s composition

    My son woke up this morning and wanted to draw right away. Still in our pjs we sat at the dining room table and he came up with the most amazing drawing. Lots of scribbles and spirals, but also a distinct horizon. When I went to draw today, I found his drawing and let that be my guide.

  • Bedroom Corner

    Another late night–drawing completed just before collapsing!

  • Flower from Bouquet

    My daughter picked me a “bouquet” today at the playground. Got some of them home in one piece, and put them in water.

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  • Cheesy Crackers

    When in doubt, paint the snack!

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