• A good day for lemonade

    Welcome summer!

  • Convenient Carrots

    These are nowhere near as flavorful as freshly peeled and sliced carrots (my sister margaret can make carrots into gorgeous long, thin swirly spears) but they are handy…

  • Borrowed view

    Our neighbor has a lovingly maintained garden that I can see from our dining room….I get so much pleasure from his gardening skills.

  • Weekend Posting

    A packed weekend, with not much time to draw. I managed to squeeze in a quick sketch while I was getting a haircut on saturday, and then another, this morning at the playground.

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  • corner

    After a long day, this was a plop-down-on-the-couch and draw what you see drawing…although, very quickly, I stopped thinking about what I was seeing and started goofing around, with line (how do I make it more interesting?–begin a blind contour portion) with color (what happens if I put the “wrong” color here?) and transparancy (what if I can see through one object, to another?)

  • Late night, late post

    Was invited to dear friends for dinner and a night of conversation and crafting. They have a beautiful, familiar view from the top of Duboce Avenue, (we used to live in the apartment below theirs) so I waited until dusk to do my daily sketch.

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  • Hot Tea Helps

    …feeling a bit better today.

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  • Stormy Weather

    I still have Theo’s amazing drawing tacked up downstairs in my studio. I am working on a large painting based on the drawing. Here are some of the ideas.
    PS I am a day late in making this post as we are now ALL sick with the flu..

  • Jasmine

    Hooray! The jasmine I planted a year ago has finally decided to take off! It’s climbing and beginning to bloom!

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  • Stormy

    Today is hot, and it seems natural that the end of the day might be marked by a big thunderstorm. Instead, we’ll have fog. It’s dramatic to watch the fog rushing overhead in the late afternoon, but I miss the anticipation and quiet as the skies darken before a big summer thunderstorm.

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