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  • paper cup telephone

    Still too young for this invention, I think. More time was spent reconstructing the apparatus which was prone to break as little hands pulled too hard and the string popped through….

  • art projects drying on the table

    After school we made collages with tissue paper. Lots of glue, lots of mess, lots of fun.

  • view from grattan playground

    A gray, cool day in the city. Some dry leaves on the sidewalk and it felt like fall.

  • california fig

    I love these figs when they are in season. In the past I have served them halved and drizzled with balsamic vinegar. Today I came across a recipe for whole figs, stuffed with goat cheese, wrapped in proscuitto, dizzled with honey then broiled. I am going to try it out tonight for friends who are coming for dinner.

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  • eerie sun

    This morning a strange orange sun was visible a few hours after sunrise. Obscured by fog, maybe–but it also looked as if the day would be very hot. It cooled, but the image of the strange orange glow stuck with me all day.
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  • child playing

    “Sorry” came out tonight before bed and everybody did a good job of counting and waiting their turn…
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  • Another blind contour

    A busy day leaves me not much time to draw. Foot up now, a glass of wine, maybe a movie

    later tonight.
  • Potrack

    This hangs above our kitchen counter. Tonight, exhausted, I searched for what to draw, looked up and here it was. Blind contour is sometimes the most relaxing way to draw: no expectactations, no goals, just letting your eye do the work.

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  • promontory and bay

    Spent the day at Mc Nears Beach in San Rafael. Actually, the beach is quite narrow, so my daughter and I swam in the adjacent pool while looking at the bay beyond. It was a lovely, hot day and a wonderful time to together before the start of school next week. The last lazy days of summer are the sweetest.

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